Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Budget Worksheets - Learn How to Effectively Track Your Weekly and Monthly Spending

When you start working with making a household budget it is extremely important to track your spending and all your expense both on a weekly and monthly basis. Many people dread tracking their expenses and recording every receipt but this is by far the best way to gain control over your spending. There is always a huge gap between what people think they spend and what they actually spend each month. So, tracking your spending is the only way to establish a working budget.

weekly planner 2011 2012

In order to track you spending you will need the following two budget worksheets:


#1 Weekly Expenses Report Worksheet - On this worksheet you will record all the spending for a given week. You will want to have four copies of this worksheet for a given month. Carry it with you to record expenses or make a habit of recording expenses at the end of the day with your daily receipts. Make sure to include a description of the item, the date purchased, the amount and the expense category. You will also want to write down how you paid for the item whether by cash, check, or credit card. This will give you a very detailed report of your weekly spending.

#2 Monthly Expense Record Worksheet - After you have filled out your weekly worksheet for a given week, you will want to transfer all spending and expenses over to the monthly expense record worksheet. It is very helpful to first fill out the weekly expenses report worksheet because people forget to record certain spending when just using the monthly expense record worksheet along.

After filling out these two worksheets you will have effectively tracked your spending for the month. Using the monthly expense record worksheet, you will now have the information you need to create a working budget for next month.

Budget Worksheets - Learn How to Effectively Track Your Weekly and Monthly Spending



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